13 October

Garage and towing company Modern is founded in 1937 by Mr Koehorst. Based in the heart of Utrecht, at 68 Nicolaasweg, Modern recovers and repairs defective and damaged vehicles. In addition to doing an occasional lifting job, Modern is a service dealer for Opel, Buick and Pontiac.


6 November

A crane truck is purchased in the late 1930s: a 1934 Fordson four-cylinder with a simple crane jib. During World War II, this four-cylinder is fitted with a coal-gas generator and a small coal ration is provided so that it can deliver salvage assistance in the darkest days of the conflict. For example, the Fordson comes to the rescue on 6 November 1944, when the university hospital is hit by a stray British bomb.


4 December

In the 1960s, Modern's skilled professionals drive around Utrecht day and night to help people get on their way. Modern becomes a household name in Utrecht, even for judoka Anton Geesink. He held his feared opponent, Koji Sone, in a choke hold at the World Judo Championships in Japan. In the Utrechtsch Nieuwsblad of 4 December 1961, Geesink recounted: ''I pulled and pulled and thought: we need to get Garage Modern out, as I can't free myself!''


1 June

Koehorst Jr takes over the family business from his father, but in turn must also look for a successor. He decides to transfer the 24/7 operations to Utrecht-based Joop van Oort, a hard worker with experience and entrepreneurship in his DNA. Moreover, Joop was born in the same year as the founding year of Garage Modern, which couldn't have been just a coincidence, but made him the perfect man to take the helm!


1 September

In the 1980s, all vehicles and remaining crane operations are officially transferred to Modern B.V. From then on, the Gageldijk in Utrecht becomes the home base for Joop and his drivers. Sometimes they are busy working until deep into the night.


2 February

Joop's ambitions are soaring. Soon the Gageldijk site becomes too small and the company moves to Elektronweg 16a in Utrecht. This is a building with a certain effervescence: before Modern settled there, it was home to Grolsch.

In the photo on the left, our Terberg is seen going out to an incident during the winter.


5 July

In 2005, Tom van Oort takes over from his father. Tom had built up years of experience in salvage and recovery, and Joop was happy to step back. New blood, new plans!


1 December

Tom possesses the same entrepreneurial blood as his father. Under his leadership, the company expands rapidly. Fortunately, a bigger location is soon found next door: in 2017, Modern B.V. moves to Elektronweg 24.


8 October

Time to further grow the family business: Clint and Gene, the sons of Tom and Marja, along with cousin Marvin, provide a new impetus and continue to build a service-oriented organization. Change with impact is not created alone, but together. As one team we are doing everything we can to further optimize our service. With a new corporate identity and website, we are eager to shape our future plans.


If you have a question, suggestion or comment, please complete our contact form or get in touch using the information below. If you need roadside assistance, in case of emergency or require urgent assistance, you can reach us 7 days a week, 24 hours a day on 030-2415060.

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